Tug of War 2014: Marvel vs. DC

Thanks to Kim at Tranquil Dreams for informing me of this event. For those who would like to be informed as to how this “Tug of War” works, don’t ask me. Instead, go to Kim’s blog and bother her.

I have been asked to take a side. Because I am, in fact, myself, I must choose a side to offset the balance of this Tugging War. And so the question must be addressed. Which universe of superheroes (and villains) is superior: Marvel or DC? 

I’d like to get the technical stuff out of the way and link to Matticus, a king of a foreign land, the organizer of this War. I have yet to grace his kingdom, though I suspect it is nice, hot tubs and all. Here we go.

The superior group of heroes and villains belong to the DC universe, of course. The reason is simple. The DC universe is firmly set in biblical doctrine.

Juck, that’s crazy!

No, it’s not. Hear me out.

Let’s begin with Superman, the most iconic DC superhero. The character of Superman was modeled after Jesus. Superman was sent to earth by his father and raised by a man and a woman who did not conceive him. In Man of Steel, he is 33 years when the humans ridicule him. He even gives the camera a sign, letting the audience know that Juckanin is, in fact, correct.

But of course Superman isn’t what makes DC the best. Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne’s butler, is the reason why DC is Number One. What many don’t realize is that Alfred is actually Miles from Inception. The Dark Knight trilogy is based upon Miles’ dreams.

Juck, you’re joking!

No, italics, I am not. Let’s take a closer look:

This is dialogue from the Dark Knight between Alfred and Bruce.

Alfred:  A long time ago, I was in Burma, my friends and I were working for the local government. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders by bribing them with precious stones. But their caravans were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. So we went looking for the stones. But in six months, we never found anyone who traded with him. One day I saw a child playing with a ruby the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing them away.

Bruce Wayne:  Then why steal them?

Alfred:  Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Alfred’s experience with the bandit, clearly deeply embedded into his memory, has embodied itself as the Joker, the antagonist in the dream. Another instance of dream-logic is present in the Dark Knight Rises. First of all, Bruce narrowly escapes a nuke, which makes no logical sense in itself. Lets fast-forward to the ending. Alfred is sitting in a cafe where he imagines that Bruce and Anne Hathaway are. He is clearly stuck in limbo. This isn’t far fetched, as Nolan created Inception before the Dark Knight Rises. The Dark Knight Rises is a metaphorical film that tells Miles’ story, where he sees himself as “Alfred.” Because Alfred is in a dream, he represents Joseph of the Bible, the dream-interpreter.

The bad guy in the Bible is always Satan, of course. But who represents Satan in the DC comics? The Joker? The Riddler? Of course not! Satan is represented by Sinestro. ‘Sin’ is in his very name! If we unscramble the name ‘Sinestro,’ and rearrange the letters in Chinese, we get the word: Santa, which, of course, is an anagram of the word ‘Satan.’ (Santa-Satan)

Heck, Sinestro even looks like a little devil.

The King requested that people not write him an essay, a wise decision in foreign policy. Allow me to wrap up. What does Marvel have? Oh, right. Captain America. Get out of here. DC is clearly better. It’s a huge biblical metaphor for epic biblical stories and characters. That is all.
