Search-Term Sunday: Fat People, COD Haters, and Hipsters

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a new series where I take search terms that people type in that direct them to this blog and make comments about their searches. These are all real terms that people have Googled to get to Gamerscene. This series will get a post every other Sunday. I welcome you to the very first Search Term Sunday. Enjoy! (The search terms are bolded)

i once fought two days with an arrow

This is obviously an incomplete quote from Liam Neeson. In the movie Kingdom of Heaven, Liam Neeson says, “I once fought two days with an arrow through my testicle.” This person is a champion for knowing the quote. Too bad he was too scared to type the word ‘testicle.’

how violent is mw3 compared to black ops

What kind of an idiot question is this? All Call of Duty games have the same amount of violence. Granted, in Treyarch games you can typically blow off limbs, but it must be an old woman who searched this. If that’s the case, I apologize to you, and if your hip ever gives out, I will assist you.

freddie mercury sick

Sorry to disappoint you, but Freddie Mercury is not sick. He is dead. He has been dead for 21 years.

argo where being shown

…Argo is no longer being shown in theaters…It came out on October 12th…

how does infinity ward feel about treyarch

I actually have been wondering the same thing. I know that Treyarch was the B team when COD first started, but they rarely seem to comment on each other. You seem to be a very educated individual.

arnold body

Let me just make this easy on you. Hide any kids in the room. This is Arnold’s body.

black ops 2 feels like mw3

I didn’t know that your bridge was destroyed. That is where trolls live, right?

mining for gold not on youtube

I cannot figure out why anyone would want to watch a video on anything but Youtube. You must be a hipster who doesn’t bathe because it’s too mainstream.

ancient persian female soldiers


treyarch failed infinity wards turn

This was searched the day that Black Ops II was released. You are so impulsive that you have to disregard the game on the day of its release? Everyone clap for this genius.

obese person non comical

Sorry bro, pictures of obese people will always be comical. That was a joke. I have a heart. But seriously, tell me this isn’t funny.

signs to tell if a grill likes you

I don’t believe that grills can falls in love with you. They are inanimate objects.

guy in a body cast

Please refer yourself to the Spongebob episode which contains a fish who yells, “CHOCOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!” I believe there is a character in the episode who is in a body cast.

over powered makarov in cod

Not one person on this earth will agree that this gun is overpowered. A water gun is more competitive than this thing.

100 things you didn’t know about inception

Get real. Inception’s my favorite movie, but 100 things you didn’t know about it? That’s an absurdly high number. Come back to reality, viewer. Come back to reality.

all white americans are obese, lazy, and dim-witted

Unless this search came from the United States, the person who searched this is either from Canada, Australia, or Brazil, according to the stat tracking provided by WordPress. This statement is blindly stereotypical. Please leave your message to this person in the comments below. He deserves a lesson in manners.

The next Search Term Sunday post will come  in a couple of Sundays. I hope you guys enjoyed! Please show your support by leaving a like and a comment below to start this series strong. Thanks for reading!


Infinity Ward vs. Treyarch: Round 2: MW2 vs. Black Ops

LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEE!!!! Excuse me. I had to. This is Infinity Ward vs. Treyarch Round 2. The next two games to battle are Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. At the end of this post there is a poll for you to choose which game is better. When all Rounds are finished, the total amount of votes for Treyarch games and Infinity Ward games will be totaled and compared. Whoever has more votes at the end of all of the Rounds is obviously the victor. My vote counts as one vote just as everyone else’s does.


The three things we will be comparing with these two game are campaign, multiplayer, and innovations.

Let’s start with Modern Warfare 2. This game is the most loved and most hated Call of Duty game that has been created. There is no doubt about that. It contains Call of Duty’s highest highs and lowest lows. Let’s start with the campaign. The campaign features a variety of locations, most of which are bright and very visually appearing. Throughout the campaign, there are a ton of cinematic moments and visually stunning locations.

Badass characters are back, expanding the Call of Duty universe with some new characters as well as bringing back some familiar ones. The story actually attempts to take twists and turns, which spices up the story for sure. There is a controversial mission as well, which involves you massacring innocent people at an airport. Infinity Ward handled this scene maturely, however. It describes before you even begin the game that there is a mission with disturbing content. If you choose to skip it, it will not restrict you from getting any kind of experience or achievements. I think that Infinity Ward made a responsible decision by giving that warning very clearly.

Over all, the campaign, though extremely short, was extremely fun and visually appealing. After long thought, I have come to a conclusion as to how to describe the multiplayer. See, the game is so broken. The killstreaks are overpowered, spawn trapping is a common occurance, and explosives are too powerful for the game to be fair. But Modern Warfare 2 is so fun that I find it hard to care. Here’s the deal. The game has flaws. Lots of them. Infinity Ward did a poor job with repairing glitches, nerfing guns, and maintaining the game. It took them months at a time to fix the game. Even until this day, Danger Close, One Man Army, Commando, and many other perks, guns, and killstreaks are overpowered. Still, this game’s multiplayer is too fun. It is basically a guilty pleasure. Sniping is a blast, creating tank classes is always fun, and building killstreaks to a Pavelow is the best feeling. The maps are all chaotic, but they are, in my opinion, the best of the Call of Duty series.

The LIVE gameplay felt very sandboxy and disproportionate. It didn’t seem like a multiplayer experience from the top-dog shooter. Instead, it felt more like a modded PC game. I greatly enjoyed and still enjoy MW2’s multiplayer. Even though Infinity Ward did not do a great job with balancing it, people still manage to enjoy the multiplayer, even though there are times where raging is imminent. Somehow, I am alright with that, because the maps are great, the weapons all feel smooth, and everything is powerful, so kills and killstreaks are frequent.

The innovation that MW2 made to the Call of Duty series is Spec Ops. In this mode, a variety of stealth, action, elimination, and co-op challenges are presented. A great variety of missions are available to be played, and they are all short and sweet. They vary in difficulty, but they are all manageable. Playing Spec Ops with a friend is a blast as well. They are basically fun little mini-missions that call for more killing on your part.

And now for Black Ops. This game took place in the Cold War era. The campaign was set up in a simple yet creative way. A man named Mason is being interrogated about numbers. As he tries to recall these numbers, he is asked questions. His memories and answers to the interrogator’s questions are what we play. We play his flashbacks. The campaign, to me, was complete overkill. Action is plentiful in shooters, I understand, but there was explosion after explosion, and you start to wonder when you can have a second to breath. See, Modern Warfare 2 had many cinematic moments. They felt like well timed climaxes in the story. In Black Ops, however, there are relentless explosions, people yelling at you the whole time, and constant screen shaking.

But this campaign does excel in terms of the storytelling. There is a twist at the end of the campaign that calls for a second playthrough. Also, there seemed to be a real story. You often captured, things don’t always go well, and there are some very cool missions thrown in the mix, some featuring some famous historical figures.

I feel like this game focused more on story than on gameplay. So the story was great, but the constant action became overwhelming at times.

Now for the multiplayer. It was very well balanced and contained some very well structured maps. Some guns were absolutely incredible, and Nuketown was an absolute blast. I had some really fun times in Black Ops multiplayer. But there was a problem: The COD points system. I greatly admire Treyarch’s boldness, as they added something completely new to the game, but it did not work. I would play the objective, get a lot of kills, go on a nice killstreak tear, and still not get rewarded well. The COD point system was flawed, and that is what ultimately deducted from the Black Ops experience. Another issue with the points is that it limits your experimental ability. Without COD points, you can select guns to see which one best suits you. Unfortunately, these points cause you to restrict your choices and limit your expansion. You end up purchasing a select few guns, making the same guns showing up over and over very common.

Plus, it contained far too many snowy maps. The gloomy, cold atmosphere grew boring after a while. Over all, the multiplayer was great, and I will not discount it, because it was very balanced and well maintained. But the COD point system did not reward me when I felt that I deserved to be rewarded, and so the multiplayer did not come out as polished as it could have been.

Lastly, the innovations of Black Ops. There are two main ones: Wager Matches and Zombies. Wager Matches had you wager COD points before the match started. You were essentially betting on game modes that revolved around fast reflexes and, occasionally, luck. Remember Sticks and Stones?

Wager Matches added a competitive element to the game, and were all very diverse, which allowed for some great experiences. The gambling aspect actually worked. Wager Matches is the only thing that implemented COD points well. Wager Matches are an innovation because they will be returning in Black Ops 2, and MW3 replicated the idea. (Not well, however)

And Zombies. We already established that it is an innovation. How can it be an innovation again? Well, Treyarch stepped it up a notch. The maps were more grand, the ideas were bigger, and there were some great additions to Zombies lore and gameplay. The map Five is a great representation of the creativity of Treyarch. They took four historical figures and had them be the main protagonists of the map.

When you put JFK, his secretary of defense, Fidel Castro, and Richard Nixon together to kick zombie ass, you know that there is some real creativity floating around Treyarch. They stepped up Zombies, and I still enjoy playing it.

So, we have talked. MW2 had a cinematic, gorgeous-looking campaign. Black Ops’ campaign, though strong in the story-telling department, lacked in depth. There were too many explosions and too much action than was needed. Blowing things up does not make a great campaign. MW2 had the better campaign.

As for the multiplayer, MW2 was terribly maintained and very unbalanced. Black Ops, however, was very fair and very well maintained. Still, Modern Warfare 2 contained more fun to be had, and it is, in my eyes, the game that had the better multiplayer.

As for the innovations, Treyarch takes the cake. The Zombies universe was expanded upon greatly, and Wager Matches were a great addition that worked. Though Spec Ops is very fun, how long can you repeat missions for? Zombies and Wager Matches are both unpredictable, with a limitless amount of outcomes and possibilities.

But now it’s your turn to vote. Who won this round?

My vote goes to Modern Warfare 2. It contained an thrilling campaign, engaging multiplayer, and absorbing Spec Ops. The maps were great, and it is a very fun installment to the Call of Duty franchise. Despite its obvious flaws and balancing issues, it still manages to be a very entertaining game.

Soon, we will begin Round 3. Be sure to cast your vote on the better game. Once all of the polling is done, I will combine the votes of all games and allocate them to their developers. The developer with the most votes wins. Thanks for reading!


Most Hated Guns in COD History

Hello everyone! It’s Day 3 of 7 of the Call of Duty marathon. Not too interested in Call of Duty? My next three posts will give you some insight into the COD franchise, and you may end up enjoying it. If not, I completely understand. Don’t worry, next week will be back to normal.

Because most COD players are squeaky-voiced preteens, there is no shortage of hate towards the game. I’m going to take a look at the most hated guns in COD history. These weapons are not in any particular order, just simply listed as they come to my head.

Dual FMG9’s

Deemed the “Troll Guns” by the Call of Duty community. Its high rate of fire and explosive ability to kill at close range make them sure Rage producers.


Associated with the word “try-hard.” Everyone who wants to do well at the game and gets kills with the ACR is hated because the COD community is a group of immature children. This gun’s laser accuracy makes it a very easy-to-use gun, and it is very effective.


This gun’s stopping power made it a hated gun in MW2. Even in Black Ops, the gun was despised.

UMP 45

This gun was an absolute tank. It rained terror no matter who wielded it. People who slayed with this gun were hated, and so the UMP45 was held forever in a bad spot in most MW2 players’ minds.


I love this gun, mainly because when I get kills with it, I hear little children rage in my headset. Apparently single-shot guns aren’t allowed to kill unless it takes 10 or more shots.


This gun had the range of a sniper. I personally love to use this, but I found it frustrating when I was killed by this stopping machine.


What was the point of this crap being in Black Ops? I might as well have thrown rocks at the enemy.


This fully-auto shotgun caused high blood pressured to all players during MW2. I can understand why.

China Lake

This gun seemed to cock in slow-motion. I don’t recall getting a kill with it…ever. That includes in Zombies mode.


These guns were from the Wild West and they were the most powerful in MW2. How does that work?

This is just a very small list of the most hated guns in COD. Which gun boils your blood when you play COD? Let me know in the comments below. The best COD posts are still to come. Thanks for reading!


Why are there no MW3 DLC trailers? I think I know

I wanted to get this post out before someone else sparked the same idea as me and gave it to the internet. This will replace Think-a-Bit Thursdays today.

Those interested in DLC for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 are aware of what is going on. Trailers that feature the DLC are coming out later and later, rather than weeks before the product is released.  Therefore, the extra content is released with no announcement as to what it is or what went into creating the content. Why is Infinity Ward being lazy and not announcing what content will be available until days after they are put online? I believe that I have the answer. See, Infinity Ward is not being lazy. They are in a dilemma. For those who don’t know, the Creative Strategist of Infinity Ward, Robert Bowling, resigned a few months ago. Robert was the figurehead of Call of Duty. He was the person who was in charge of listening to what the COD community wanted, and implementing those things into the game.

The DLC trailers have featured him so far. I believe that these trailers were put together early in the DLC stage. I think that they are all ready to be put out to the public, but they are waiting for when the next content comes out. This would mean that these trailers were pre-recorded. It wouldn’t be unlikely that Bowling was part of these trailers. If he is gone, it would no longer be appropriate to feature him in these trailers. Now, Infinity Ward is probably trying to edit the trailers and put in other representatives to take over Bowling’s speaking parts. Infinity Ward has employed a new Creative Strategist, but it would not be appropriate for her (yes, it is a she) to meet the community and announce her presence through a DLC trailer. She will be put into the public eye when Black Ops 2 starts and Infinity Ward starts discussing their new game. So that’s what I think is going on with the DLC Trailers. They have to replace Bowling with someone else to talk about the content. Still, I expect these trailers to be punctual, or Elite may not last long. It has gotten a terrible response already.
